Saturday 2 December 2017


Sei-Chan: We actually had a hint of snow yesterday. Can you believe that? For a while, it looked like someone had sprinkled powdered sugar over the grass, and then it went away.  It has been quite cloudy this week and #1 is using that as her excuse for not having many photos of me to post...

I have been spending a lot more time downstairs lately. This comes with both advantages and disadvantages. The major negative is that the little blue thug has been unusually active of late, trying to terrorise both me and my sister Tama, so we have been sticking more closely together:

And I have tried to keep a low profile...

I hope you all have a lovely SEIturday, with no resident thugs lurking with intent!


  1. Snow dusting! Very beautiful to see but much to cold to venture out into.
    What is it with the blue boy? We cannot believe that Tama will tolerate his nonsense. We remember a time she was quite tough with poor Beebs. She’s so sweet and gentle but she IS the queen.

  2. Nice to see you Sei! I am glad the snow didn't hang around.

  3. We can do without snow! I hope you managed to get a good nap or three!

  4. Ms Sei! I must say, you look incredible! I think whappy paws on the part of you and Ms Tama (in unison) might stop Genji's thuggery! But then again, it might not....

  5. Bonjour Sei,
    Je suis ta copine Ange Loustiquette.
    Je viens te faire un petit coucou.
    Il ne faut pas te laisser faire. Un démon bleu ça ne doit pas avoir le dessus...
    Il faut t'allier avec Tama pour lui apprendre à être respectueux !
    Bon courage.
    Plein de ronrons
    Ange Loustiquette

  6. SNOW???? And where are the photos of Tommy running through it? :) We can't wait to get some here.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Angel is thinking the SAME THING about thugs...but she has TWO now!


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